As if packing everything up and moving 1700 miles away wasn't crazy enough. We (well really me and the kids, but we know that Daddy really wants a new dog too, even through he is playing the toughy) have decided to add a new ingredient to the mix!
Meet the newest member of the Family!

We will pick him up once we get down to Louisiana. Right now is name is Tiger, but we will change it once we get to know him. He is a Reverse Brindle English Mastiff. Hes gonna be a BIG BOY! Breed standard is about 200 lbs and 30 inches at the shoulders! But we do have 4 kids, so if you divide that 4 ways, that's 50 lbs per kid! Plenty of dog to go around!
I have always wanted to get a big Dawg* not just a dog but a Dawg! A big mellow slobbering snoring moose of a dog that the kids can just about ride. And especially since our Angus died of Addison's disease, I have always told Alex and Jimmy that once Katie was 2 we would look into another dog. So, I figure since we are moving it is the best time to actually get a dog, new house, new place, new routines, new chores. Get things going from day 1 before they slip into old habits. That goes for me as well.
In preparation for the new puppy we have written up a Puppy Care and Responsibility Contract and it was signed by all 4 kids. Stating things like if they don't want to have the stuffed animal/shoe/barbie/car massacre of '08 that they will keep their things in safe places, they will feed and walk the dog when told, that Jimmy in his 9 year old boy glory will be the Popper scooper. (what is it with boys and bodily functions/excretions?) And of course last but not least the repercussions if they fail to live up to their contract. Its signed and will stay on the fridge so that they don't forget their ends of the bargin.
My good friend Tanya has been so helpful with aiding us in preperations as well. She has 2 dogs that are her kids and has done all the research on foods and toys and treats and everything that has anything to do with owning a dog. I feel really greatful to have her experience available just an email away. Thanks lady! :)