Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Pictures 2008
Here is a slideshow of this years attempts. I think we did pretty well this year. I love the pictures of Katie Grace and Daddy, and the ones of Katie Grace and Max in front of the door. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll update more later. For now enjoy the show!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
KG "Momma its Kissmass!"
Me "No baby its not Christmas yet, go back to bed,"
KG "Nooooo Momma its KISSMASS!"
Me "Honey, its 5:30, its not time to get up yet, go back to bed."
KG "Noooooo Momma!!! ITS KISSMASS! You know that white stuff?"
Me "Snow?"
KG "Yeah its raining snow!"
At this point Jim comes in to alert me to the fact that yes it was indeed snowing. He had already taken pictures and made little snowmen on the patio table.
He had to wake the kids up, so at 6am this morning my children were outside with socks on their hands (because all the snow gear is packed up)making snowmen in the front yard. They had to show their Louisiana friends how we kick it New England style!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Almost over

The look of a big sister watching her little sister open her presents. Pure Joy!

Maxwell's Birthday (There is a movie somewhere, Ill have to figure out how to edit, so I can post it)
The Cal-Cam parade and fair:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Soccer Birthday
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Just say NO!
“First, it’s an unprecedented government bailout that will almost certainly pave the way for even more – maybe sooner rather than later.
“Second, it requires people at Treasury to make tens of thousands of judgment calls about what they buy and for how much. And these will be folks who are from Wall Street and want to go to back. That ensures bias and even corruption.
“Third, there’s been no adequate discussion of the major reforms needed. And I’m afraid this big government first step helps ensure that Congress won’t make those strong reforms – like breaking up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and demanding real cash down for all home purchases,” said Vitter
"Huh? Did the Founding Fathers really intend that if the House votes down a revenue bill, that the Senate should just be able to turn the whole thing into an amendment and attach it to something else?" (JohnNichols )
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Big Girl Furniture!
Yes, we plan to eat dinner here every night. Yes, I am buying stock in upholstery cleaner and stain out. :)
Look! Wedding China & Crystal! Its either been packed or sitting in a kitchen cabinet for almost 12 years!!!
On a sentimental note: The story from My Mom goes: When My Oma got her first fancy China Cabinet, she begged and begged My Opa to get her some pretties to go inside of it. She ended up getting these Aynsley tea cups. It is fitting that they went to my Mom and now me to display in my first China Cabinet. And someday they will go to Alex when she gets hers...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Jimmy is LOVING his first season playing football, its actually Flag Football. He is playing defence, he rushes the QB.
Max is patiently awaiting next year so he can start soccer. But for now he is happy to kick the ball around the sidelines.
He has found a new Best Friend in Moses. They are always cuddling together. Moses usually has his head down on Max's chest but when I came around the corner with the camera he perked his head up as if to say "whatcha doin Ma?"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Still here

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Here we go....again...
There is no main mandatory evacuation, only those who have special needs and live in trailers are being told to leave at this time.
They closed the schools again, no school today or tomorrow (they were supposed to have Friday off anyway for teachers in-service day).
Last week when the potential for Ike to come into the gulf presented itself, we made arrangements to evacuate to San Antonio, but more than likely we will remain here because that seems to be where all of the people from Texas who have mandatory evacs are going.
The weather channel is forecasting that Ike will be very similar to Rita which is causing a lot of people around here to be very cautious. Rita did a lot of damage here, lots of downed trees and power outages. We have our generator, gas, bottled water and emergency food prepared from last time.
Right now as I write this at 10 AM Thursday morning, the sun is shinning, not a cloud in the sky and a beautiful 85 degrees.
I will keep everyone updated...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Home again
Moses did fantastic in the hotel room and in the car, he really is such a good dog.
There wasn't any damage on the house, lots of leaves and debris in the pool, some yard pick up to do. But we got really lucky with the path that Gustav took.
Jim went back to work today to help restart the plant.
For me today is all about unpacking, laundry, cleaning up, and putting everything back together.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Arrived in OK City
We are still glued to the weather on TV.
You can check out our local TV station in Lake Charles on, they are estimating that we have already gotten about 5 inches of rain, with more to come. We will keep watching today and hope to hear news from Neighbors that are scattered around Texas, Arkansas, Northern LA, Mississippi and Alabama.
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
We will continue to update that blog as news comes in.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I'm off to finish laundry and start packing...
Keep us in your prayers.
Will update from OKC tomorrow.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Its the hot topic down here. Everyone is talking about it. It's so different from a Nor'easter that we are used to. Forecasters give you all the hype, blah blah blah 12-24 inches of snow, you snuggle in and wake up in the morning to the sound of plows coming through. True sometimes it would take a few hours to shovel the driveway, but within a day we were back to normal.
This is different. There is so much time. We have been watching the weather channel for 3 days straight. Louisiana declared a state of emergency yesterday, and Pres. Bush declared us one today. The school systems have decided to close not only for the Holiday but Tuesday and Wednesday just in case.
When even the old timers, the ones that have grown up here and have gone through Rita, start talking about leaving, yes maybe its time to talk hotels.
Speaking of hotels, there is nothing available in Northern LA, seems we might have to go further North to find something. Everyone seems to be having the same idea. "Get out of Dodge and fast!"
Some people made reservations as early as a week ago, some are waiting till Sunday to see what happens.
My Neighbor lady told me that it took her about 2 hours to get what usually is a 10 minute drive during the evac of Rita. Hopefully we will make a decision to either stay or go before anything mandatory goes into effect.
Someone at Dance School said today that they had to go to five gas stations to fill up their car.
There isn't a D battery left on the store shelves. We looked. So much for the great idea of getting all of the kids their own flashlights in case we decide to stay. We have 5 brand new empty flashlights sitting on the counter.
We made a trip to Walmart last night to make our Hurricane supply kit. 10 gallons of water, lots of soup, comfort (read: junk) food. A wind up lantern/cell phone charger/radio.
As I write this Jim is outside cutting plywood for the windows.
I'll keep everyone posted through the blog. And update when we have reached a decision whether to ride it out here or head north.
Keep us in your prayers.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
"I go to Dance School wit Eden."
I'm not sure how much actual dancing there was, its mostly just a chance for the Moms to dress up their little girls and watch as they pretend to be pretty pretty princesses.
Isn't she adorable!?!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
No other reason...

Thank You Jim,
I love you too.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Back to School!
Our day back here at home has been very quiet. As I write this, Max is playing with his GeoTrax here in the playroom and Katie Grace is napping. Ahhhhhhhh its nice.