Since my last post we have celebrated Max's, Katie Graces and Moms Birthdays. Katie Grace and I were in the Cal-Cam parade with her dance school, Jim went on a business trip to Brazil...and on and on and on. I am so glad that this crazy month is almost over and I can start obsessing about my Thanksgiving day menu, and making my Christmas lists.
Anyway, I had planned to post some pictures of Max's and Katie Graces Birthdays last week. Jim took the pictures on his work camera (much better than our old clunker) and dutifully downloaded them onto the laptop for me to post while he was in Brazil. The only problem with that was that at the last minute before his trip, he decided to take the laptop along!
So without further waiting.... pictures!
Katie Graces Birthday: (her favorite was the Zoe ballerina doll from Auntie Beth, Uncle Chris, Dana and Logan)

The look of a big sister watching her little sister open her presents. Pure Joy!

Maxwell's Birthday (There is a movie somewhere, Ill have to figure out how to edit, so I can post it)
The Cal-Cam parade and fair:

ha alex u dont look to happy by the way nice cake & snowmen
P.S. I'm Katie Roberts
ha alex u dont look to happy by the way nice cake & snowmen
P.S. I'm Katie Roberts
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